Course Code: HAD1011-O

Introduction to the Sciences of Hadith

Access the preserved wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) 

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About This Course...

Course Description
Course Code: HAD1011-O

Course Department: Hadith

Course Topic:
 Introduction to Hadith

Course Title:
 Introduction to the Sciences of Hadith

Course Description:
Welcome to our course, "Introduction to the Sciences of Hadith," where you'll be immersed in the captivating world of Hadith – a vast treasure trove of Prophetic traditions in Islam.

Uncover the profound significance of Hadith as a primary source of Islamic law and guidance. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the terminology and classification systems employed in the Sciences of Hadith, empowering you to discern the authenticity and reliability of Hadith literature.

Investigate the historical methodologies behind Hadith collection, preservation, and compilation, while gaining an appreciation for the invaluable contributions made by renowned Hadith scholars. Embrace the ethical and intellectual responsibilities entwined with the study and transmission of Hadith.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the depths of the Sciences of Hadith, equipping you with essential knowledge and skills to engage with this sacred tradition.

By the End of this Course, you will be able to: 
  • Understand the significance and role of Hadith in Islamic scholarship, including its importance as a primary source of Islamic law and guidance.
  • Gain familiarity with the terminology and classification systems used in the Sciences of Hadith, such as the categories of Hadith authenticity (Sahih, Hasan, Da'if), narrators' biographies, and chains of transmission (Isnad).
  • Develop the skills to critically evaluate the authenticity and reliability of Hadith, including analyzing the chains of narrators, scrutinizing narrators' credibility, and understanding the various factors that impact Hadith authentication.
  • Comprehend the methodology and processes involved in Hadith collection, preservation, and compilation throughout Islamic history, as well as the contributions of prominent Hadith scholars.
  • Recognize the ethical and intellectual responsibilities associated with studying and transmitting Hadith, including adherence to academic integrity, respect for Hadith scholarship, and the importance of proper attribution when quoting or referencing Hadith.
Other Key Info:
  • Open to: Both Brothers and Sisters
  • Course Type:  Live Online Delivery
  • Assessment Methods:  Theoretical
  • Core Texts:  Theory Exam(s)
Mandatory Pre-Requisites
  • N/A
Suggested Pre-Requisites

When is it?

  Date: Saturday 20th - Sunday 21st Jan 2024

Duration: 12:00pm - 5:00pm

Delivery Mode: Online via Zoom

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👋 Meet Your Teachers!

Course Instructor

Sheikh Maqsood Siddiqui

Maqsood Siddiqui was born in London, England but lived most of his life in the United States, where he completed his primary, secondary, & university education. He has traveled abroad in search of Islamic knowledge and studied with various scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, obtaining ijaza’s in several books of hadith. He graduated with a Bachelors degree from the College of Shari'ah at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, KSA.

Our Students Love Us! 

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The teaching is at very high quality at GLM. All the ustaza and syeikh/ustaz are very knowledgeable and are very good at teaching us through examples from the Quran and Sunnah MashaAllah.
— Siti
The teachers were engaging and presented the material at the right pace for me. They were always accommodating to my needs as a student.
— Adnan
The quality of teaching is at a high standard and there are lovely facilities. Please learn the deen; you will be benefitted in Dunya and Akhira.
— Jasmeen

Introduction to the Sciences of Hadith

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