Course Code: QUR1011-S

Qur'an Reading
Level 1 (Sisters)

Learn to Read the Qur'an in Arabic

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Course Description

Embark on an exciting journey of learning with our "Quran Reading Level 1" course, designed to introduce you to the art of reading the Quran. Through this course, you will develop foundational skills to confidently navigate the Arabic alphabet.

Learn to recognise and differentiate between the letters in their various forms, both individually and when joined together. Master the correct pronunciation of short vowels, long vowels, and consonants, ensuring accurate recitation.

Develop the ability to spell Arabic words based on their sounds, incorporating the appropriate short and long vowels.

Join us in this enriching experience as we lay the groundwork for your Quranic reading journey, empowering you to engage with the sacred words of the Quran with confidence and proficiency.

What You Will Learn

By the End of this Course, Students will (Insha Allah) be able to:

  • Recognise all the letters of the Arabic alphabet in each of their different forms, when written individually.
  • Recognise individual Arabic letters when joined together.
  • Correctly pronounce short vowels, long vowels, and consonants.


To be ready for this course, students must have:

  • Completed Arabic Level 2a, or equivalent. (i.e. have covered Arabiyya Bayna Yadayk 1a and 1b, or the first half of Medina Book 2 [Al Hadith Editions]) 

Course Textbook

  • Complete Qaidah (Safar Publications)

Course Schedule

  • Start: In the Week Beginning 9th Sep 2024
  • Finish: July 2025
  • Online Via Zoom or Onsite at GLM
  • Various Options Available

Apply for this Course

👋 Meet Your Teachers!

Course Instructor 1

Ustadha Malikunnisa Rahman

Course Instructor 2

Khadija Said

Ustadha Khadija is a graduate of mathematics and chemistry and works as an accountant. She is a former Tajweed student at GLM, having completed her studies in 2020 and is currently a Hifdh student with the Muddakir Programme. Khadija has been teaching Qur'an (reading) part-time for a number of years, but only recently joined the GLM team.

Course Instructor 3

Hamida Sahraoui

Sister Hamida is originally from Germany, and has been a Quran teacher for the last 9 years. She has experience in teaching different levels of tajweed to adults and children, both onsite and online, as well as teaching 1:1 lessons as part of Adult’s and Children’s Hifdh programmes. She started as a student in Greenlane in 2011 and successfully completed Riwayatul Hafs an Asim with Ijaza, as well as Arabic to advanced level.

Our Students Love Us! 

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The teaching is at very high quality at GLM. All the ustaza and syeikh/ustaz are very knowledgeable and are very good at teaching us through examples from the Quran and Sunnah MashaAllah.
— Siti
The teachers were engaging and presented the material at the right pace for me. They were always accommodating to my needs as a student.
— Adnan
The quality of teaching is at a high standard and there are lovely facilities. Please learn the deen; you will be benefitted in Dunya and Akhira.
— Jasmeen

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Your application will be reviewed by one of our staff to ensure this course will be the best fit for you

Course Code: QUR1011-S

Qur'an Reading
Level 1 (Sisters)

Learn to Read the Qur'an in Arabic