Course Code: QUR2011-S

Quran Reading
Level 2 (Sisters)

Learn to Read the Qur'an in Arabic

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Course Description

Welcome to the enriching "Quran Reading Level 2" course, where we delve deeper into the art of reciting the Quran with proficiency and beauty.

In this course, you will build upon your foundational skills and apply basic Tajweed rules, allowing you to recite the Quran with correct articulation and proper pronunciation of heavy and light letters.

Gain fluency in reciting Juz Amma (Juz 30) using the Mushaf, immersing yourself in the divine verses.

Expand your memorization skills by mastering the last 10 Surahs of the Quran (Surahs 105-114), enhancing your connection with the Book of Allah.

Join us on this transformative journey as we deepen our recitation skills and develop a greater appreciation for the miraculous words of the Quran.

What You Will Learn

By the End of this Course, Students will (Insha Allah) be able to:

  • Recite the Quran applying basic tajweed rules.
  • Correctly articulate heavy and light letters when reciting the Quran.
  • Recite Juz Amma (Juz 30) fluently using the Mushaf.
  • Recite the last 10 surahs of the Quran from memory (Surahs 105 – 114)


To be ready for this course, students must have:

  • Completed our Qur'an Reading Level 1 course or be at an equivalent level.

Course Textbook

  • A copy of the Qur'an (Mushaf)

Course Schedule

  • Start: In the Week Beginning 9th Sep 2024
  • Finish: July 2025
  • Onsite at GLM
  • Various Options Available.

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👋 Meet Your Teachers!

Ustadha Saira Ahmed

Ustadha Saira has completed a 5-year course at Green Lane Masjid, ending with Al jazariyyah, and is a certified Tajweed Teacher. She has been teaching tajweed since 2020.

Course Instructor 2

Ustadha Safeena Khalid

Ustadha Safeena started studying Tajweed at Green Lane Masjid in Sept 2012. By Sept 2015, she was teaching her own Tajweed classes on the weekend in the masjid. In 2019, she completed her Ijaza in the Jazariyah programme under Ustadha Abeir at Green Lane Masjid.

Our Students Love Us! 

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The teaching is at very high quality at GLM. All the ustaza and syeikh/ustaz are very knowledgeable and are very good at teaching us through examples from the Quran and Sunnah MashaAllah.
— Siti
The teachers were engaging and presented the material at the right pace for me. They were always accommodating to my needs as a student.
— Adnan
The quality of teaching is at a high standard and there are lovely facilities. Please learn the deen; you will be benefitted in Dunya and Akhira.
— Jasmeen

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Course Code: QUR2011-S

Quran Reading
Level 2 (Sisters)

Learn to Read the Qur'an in Arabic