Tadabbur Al Qu’ran
An in-depth Sisters-Only Tafseer Course
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Before taking this course, you must:
Course Starting in
Start Date: 5th Sep 2023
Online Classes: Tuesdays, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online Classes: Tuesdays, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Course Instructor 1
Ustadhah Umm Hamzah
Umm Hamzah grew up in Dubai where she studied under female scholars before moving to the UK. Her association with Green Lane Masjid began over a decade ago when she attended the advanced level tajweed as a student. It was clear that she was very knowledgeable so shortly after she started teaching and has been teaching for the Sisters Tarbiyah Department for over 10 years. She currently resides in Dubai, where she continues to study under different Female scholars and is a student and teacher at Markaz Al Salam. Alhamdulillah she has been able to do continue teaching for Green Lane Masjid through online classes.
Ustadha Umm Hamza
Our Students Love Us!
The teaching is at very high quality at GLM. All the ustaza and syeikh/ustaz are very knowledgeable and are very good at teaching us through examples from the Quran and Sunnah MashaAllah.
— Siti
The teachers were engaging and presented the material at the right pace for me. They were always accommodating to my needs as a student.
— Adnan
The quality of teaching is at a high standard and there are lovely facilities. Please learn the deen; you will be benefitted in Dunya and Akhira.
— Jasmeen
Frequently asked questions
When and where do the classes take place?
Classes will take place online via Zoom.
Are the classes taught in English?
Yes, all classes are taught in the English language.
Is there a version of this course for Brothers?
Unfortunately, this class is currently only available for sisters.