Alimiyyah Foundation Program Entry Assessment

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About This Course...

Course Description
What is the Alimiyyah Foundation Program?
The Alimiyyah Foundation Program is a thoughtfully structured general program that allows you to explore a wide array of Islamic Sciences in one place.

Whether you're drawn to Aqeedah, Hadith, Fiqh, or the Arabic Language, this foundation provides a balanced introduction to these vital disciplines, and provides a foundation for more advanced study.

Program Structure
The program is structured to span the academic year (36 teaching weeks), with Arabic classes running every Saturday and Sunday.
Arabic is the key to the Islamic Sciences, so we want to give you a solid foundation in this beautiful language.

Along side your arabic studies, there will also be intensive sessions that run on the weekends after the Arabic classes once per month to focus on other core aspects of the Islamic sciences, such as Aqeedah, Hadith or Fiqh.

By the End of this Course, you will be able to: 
  • Use basic Arabic grammar in reading, writing and speaking
  • Practice the 5 pillars of Islam according to the authentic sunnah, and cite evidences for your practice
  • Independently access the hadith literature and interpret the strength of narrations
  • Identify misconceptions in Aqeedah with evidences and defend your faith from doubts
  • And More!
Other Key Info:
  • Open to: Both Brothers and Sisters
  • Course Type: Theoretical & Practical
  • Assessment Methods: Theoretical Exam(s) & Practical Exam(s)

When is it?

  Start Date: sat 9th Sep 2023

  Finish Date: 28th July 2023

Duration: 36 Teaching Weeks

Sessions per Week: 2 x 1.5hr Arabic Sessions
+ Monthly Weekend Intensives

  Online Class Times:
Every Sat & Sun, 10:00-11:30am for Arabic. 
Monthly Intensives will be scheduled between 12:00 - 5:00pm.
All classes delivered online via Zoom
Thank you!

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👋 Meet Your Teachers!

Course Instructor 1

Ustadh Ahmar Iqbal 

Teaches Arabic

Ustadh Ahmar studied Arabic in the Islamic University of Madina and Um al Qura University in Makkah, and has been teaching Arabic for over 20 years in the UK both in classrooms and online. He also has a master's degree in Arabic/English Translation from the University of Leeds.

Course Instructor 2

Sheikh Zakaullah Saleem

Teaches Aqeedah

Shaykh Zakaullah is the Head Imam and Head of Education at the Masjid. After completing his Islamic Education, he worked in numerous roles before becoming the Imam of Green Lane Masjid in the UK. He memorised the Qur’an at the age of 8, and has led the taraweeh prayers on numerous occasions. He has recently completed his Masters in Islamic Education from the Markfield Institute of Higher Education.

Course Instructor 3

Sheikh Maqsood Siddiqui

Teaches Fiqh and Hadith

Maqsood Siddiqui was born in London, England but lived most of his life in the United States, where he completed his primary, secondary, & university education. He has traveled abroad in search of Islamic knowledge and studied with various scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, obtaining ijaza’s in several books of hadith. He graduated with a Bachelors degree from the College of Shari'ah at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, KSA.

Our Students Love Us! 

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The teaching is at very high quality at GLM. All the ustaza and syeikh/ustaz are very knowledgeable and are very good at teaching us through examples from the Quran and Sunnah MashaAllah.
— Siti
The teachers were engaging and presented the material at the right pace for me. They were always accommodating to my needs as a student.
— Adnan
The quality of teaching is at a high standard and there are lovely facilities. Please learn the deen; you will be benefitted in Dunya and Akhira.
— Jasmeen

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Your application will be reviewed by one of our staff to ensure this course will be the best fit for you

Alimiyyah Foundation Program

Take a Step towards Islamic Scholarship